Friday, April 15, 2005


so much is going on. on monday my sister finally had her second baby, Riley. he was born at 5:23pm. i was there right up until the pushing because apparently i was too horrified watching the first birth, my sister kicked me out this time. that and my mom had her face all twisted and traumatized. so we were sent to the waiting room. that sucked. but she had a beautiful baby boy. now she has a house full of boys. she, her husband Jay (who was so great in the delivery room, I want him to be there when I have a baby), Jake(my sweet sweet first nephew who has a thing for soft legs), and now, Riley. Riley has huge eyes and he's very quiet. Just like his brother. Kelly's lucky they're both so mild-mannered. But then again so are she and Jay. I am going home today to spend the weekend with the fam to help take care of the new babe and give Kelly some rest. and to hang with Georgia. she and I are going to take Jake out to Toys R Us to get him a birthday gift as we both haven't yet and his bday was March 21st. it should be a fun weekend. and its going to start today when i leave the office to go meet liz dembrowsky who i will road trip with tonight. its been a while since our last road trip. the last time we drove the police car (one of her family's various projects, an old 50s police car) from chicago to boston with no radio. instead we read "The Princess Bride" aloud from the backseat or sang whatever we could think of at the top of our lungs. I think we also had a boombox with some Ani in it as well. that car shook alot. that's about all i remember from the trip. but i know it was fun. this one will be too.


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