Wednesday, January 24, 2007

my man's promise

"Your every piece of you, way and world, including the the weary and familiar moods of life, are mine. I want the smooth and the soft, yes. But I love a real live woman-girl, and I know it. I want the hard goings, too, you know. Employ me is to love me. To every task, I am willing. I long for the personal space of you, close, face to face. And the pride of stepping to my true love's aid. I want to teach you the relief of sharing with another. The price is trust and patience."

Monday, January 22, 2007

shine on

people spend their lives worshipping celebrities;
wishing their lives could be as exciting as theirs.
if they stopped obsessing, they might find the time to go out and live
a fabulous life of their own
even if it is undocumented by the paparazzi.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ode to New York City

What is it about New York that keeps me coming back?
The magic in the cobblestone, the history of revolution,
the center of creation.
the adventure in every unfamiliar face, the opportunity,
the PULSE.

I can feel the energy deep inside of me
I need to reach its conclusion.
I need to learn its lesson.
New York has a crazy, sordid story for everyone to tell.
It placed me in the center
so I could study with the strong, the dedicated, the pure of artstar heart;
And this metropolis had provided for me
myriad adventures,
strange twists and turns,
and the greatest glorification of regular life any egomaniac (like me) could ask for.

Because everybody loves New York
reveres New York
fears New York
And those of us brave enough to try this kind of
bald, intense, high stakes existence
are rewarded with the title of New Yorker.

So, to New York, I give my thanks
for beating me into the ground and forcing me to be the adult
that sees not tragedy but epics stories to tell.